The Order : Weekly Aggregator Roundup - Retail media & VC bets
Chart of the Week
The team at Retail Media Works put together a helpful guide on the emergence of the retail media category in "How Brands Can Capture the Opportunity from Retail Media". Slides here.
New funding this week: $ - M
Funding Craze 💰
2022 VC Spotlight: "12 of the VC firms most active in funding e-commerce startups told us what they're looking for in an investment — and shared the biggest bets they're making for the future" [Business Insider]
Movers & Shakers 🤝
APAC: IPO delayed - "Notice of delay in listing procedures" [Anymind]
Strategy 📈
2023 Planning? A good time to reflect on the flaws of the FBA aggregator model. Ex Amazonian & ex Unybrands CTOs provides you with a good starter on this: Part 1 | Part 2 (with more to come)
Amazon Fee Update: "Amazon Shifts Some Return-Shipping Costs to Sellers" [eCommerce Bytes]
Amazon tactics: "A 26-year-old who makes up to $107,000 in revenue a month selling on Amazon shares the top 5 tips that help rank his products on the first page" [Business Insider]
Expect Buy Box updates: "Amazon Agrees to Change Some Business Practices in E.U. Settlement" [NY Times]
Amazon's Air Cargo Move: "Winging It: Inside Amazon’s Quest to Seize the Skies" [Wired]
"Amazon Attempts Social Commerce" [Marketplace Pulse]
"Shopify’s $118 Billion Rout Slows Canada’s Stellar Stock-Market Run" [Bloomberg]
eCom sales keep growing: "How Walmart is pursuing omnichannel profitability" [Grocery Dive]
"BigCommerce Laying Off 13% of Staff, Focusing on Larger Customers" [The Information]
"Quiet Light Founder on State of Ecommerce M&A" [Practical Ecommerce]
"Senate passes bill to ban TikTok on government devices" [Axios]
"Allbirds: New Direct-to-Consumer Playbook" [Business of Fashion]
"Pandemic e-commerce boom here to stay" [Axios]
"Returning packages is getting way less annoying as Amazon, UPS, and FedEx embrace 'no-box, no-label' returns" [Business Insider]
Events 🎤
eCom Camp, Jan 8-10, Orlando, FL
Prosper Show, Mar 13-15, Las Vegas, NV
ChatGPT's Weekly eCom news 🤖
The engine refused to write about the news this week. New forms of labor are requiring new forms of management. I'll hopefully succeed next week 😆
Let's make this week count,